

A week ago, I set some wellness goals for myself. 
Eat cleaner, no sugar, meditate, exercise every day, drink more water, get more sleep. The first two days, I did great. WooHoo ;)

Then life happened, and my schedule and plan got bumped. 

I got tired, and someone left cookies on my counter. 
I ate one and immediately felt disappointment along with the temptation to keep going and eat more. 
For a few minutes, I was tempted to abandon my wellness plan entirely.

Then I got a hold of myself and walked out of the kitchen. And I kicked myself for slipping. I entertained the thought that I was a failure.

Uggh. That's so not true, and I know it! 

Why did I let those thoughts in again?
Because, I'm human, and it’s ok.

It's ok as long as I remember that beating myself up is hard on me and can be far more damaging than eating a cookie.

I KNOW THIS... and I know what to do. So, I put some Forgive essential oil on my chest and I breathed it in. 
I said empowering declarations to reinforce the fact that I am in charge of my life, and, I am choosing to claim my power.

I said the ho'oponopono prayer.
I love the ho'oponopono prayer because it's simple yet POWERFUL.
After you've offended someone, if you say to them in all sincerity, "I'm sorry, I love you; Please forgive me, Thank you,” it clears the air and is healing.
When you offend, insult or betray yourself, looking in the mirror and saying the ho'oponopono prayer is good medicine for you too.
So, keep on setting goals to take better care of yourself, and when you fall short, try looking in the mirror and saying the ho'oponopono prayer out loud instead of berating yourself!
 Repeat it to yourself over and over again every day until it gets in your heart and soul and becomes your mantra.
It’s an excellent habit to get into, and it will change you. 
The results will be heartwarming and magical.

Comments (1)


Mary Hiett

Dec 04, 2017 06:21 AM CDT

Oh how I wish at age 30, to Know what I know at the age of 60! So true! Good thoughts!??????

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