

Today while I was driving, I heard Kelly Clarkson singing White Christmas. And two thoughts instantly crossed my mind. My first thought, I love Kelly Clarkson's voice, and I think she does a great job with that song!

Second thought, I hope it doesn't snow because I'm really good if it stays this warm (60 outside). But in reality, the weather is supposed to turn cold in a couple of days, and at least all the freezing weather snow-loving people will be happy about that.

LOL. It's good that we're all wired differently so everyone can get a turn to enjoy their favorite season, and all four seasons can be duly appreciated!

I like spring because it's so beautiful. What is prettier and more cheerful than budding fruit trees and bright, colorful tulips? And there's something magical about watching all the trees pop out in vibrant green overnight! Still, there are lots of windy, chilly days in spring, which drops the thrill factor down for me. So, to me, the very best thing about spring is that it means summer is right around the corner!

Summer. It's my number one very favorite season for sure. I adore warm weather, going to the pool with my grandkids, having outdoor parties, and string lights strung across patios and gardens. Taking long walks on warm summer nights, hiking, camping, going to rodeos, going on car trips, summer vacations! Gardening, eating out of the garden, sleeping under a thin white sheet with open windows and a ceiling fan!... waking to birds chirping early in the morning, always wearing flip flops and never needing to wear shoes... and the laid-back vibe of summer in general. Every day feels like a super FUN party to me during the summer! I. Can’t. Get. Enough. Summer.

Fall is nice because I love harvesting my garden and shopping at farmers’ markets. I like putting pumpkins on my porch, and I get a kick out of canning and dehydrating and making sure I'm all stocked up for winter. I like that it's beautiful outside and the days are mostly warm. Still, even though fall is a charming season, it does mean winter is coming soon, which (to me) makes fall feel more like a funeral for summer than a vibrantly joyous season. I know almost everyone else loves fall, and it's not cool to diss on it, but I'm just saying...

Winter. I have to psych myself up for it! Really, but it's mostly because I don't like being cold. I do greatly appreciate having a warm house with a fireplace and enough warm sweaters, boots, and down comforters to keep me warm. That makes winter so much easier, at least! And I have to admit that I DO LOVE lighting candles, making soup, and diffusing Holiday Joy essential oil. 

And I do love Christmas with all it's good to cheer and sparkle, and I think it's comes at the perfect time of year because just when it's starting to get cold, I get a whole month of Christmas to distract me. So December is good. And then I get through January and February by turning on the fireplace and making lots of soup and taking as many trips to warm places as I can.

And next comes March, and we're almost to spring... which means summer is ahead, and everything's going to lighten up and be sweet again!
So there you have it. What goes through my head when it's the end of November, and I hear a wishing-for-snow Christmas song.

Merry Christmas, ya'll!

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